When God Interrupts Your Life

When God Interrupts Your Life

If you are anything like me, you like goals and new year plans! I had ever intention to hit the ground running this January but friends... this January has been the busiest I've ever experienced.
Not because of work, or new year goals... because my husband is in the last phase of his cancer treatment.
We've had doctors appointments, scans, blood tests and even a restricting diet to follow as he prepared for his radioactive iodine. We pray it kills off any remaining cancer cells in his body.
I didn't expect it to take so much mental or physical energy from us... silly me. But you know what, God has been showing us His timing and His hand at work in it all.
Jesus take the wheel, right?
Well, He literally has in some instances.
From rescheduling important events to cancelling plans, to my husband losing out on big jobs at work... God is making room for me and my husband. He is showing us He loves us by taking things away and revealing to us what really matters and what path we need to be on. That was unexpected. We thought we were just dealing with Cancer, but God showed us a lot of other cancerous things in our life that needed to be addressed.
Talk about it all coming at us at once!
We were so overtaken by everything we had nothing left but to turn to God and ask... "God, what the heck are you doing?!"
I think God loves it when we ask that question.
He often brings us to our knees to get our attention. And when we are done fighting and trying to fix it ourselves... that's when we finally listen.
God took things out of our life... but He asked me to put things back in... like getting back to church on Sundays, making time for that soul renewing morning bible study, remembering to say payers with the kids before bed at night.
What about you?
What is God asking you to let go of, and what is He asking to you restore?
xoxo - Lesly Birkland


Talk about it all coming at us at once!
I think it has to for God to get our attention. If it was in little pieces we humans tend to ignore it. And lose the blessing.
So great to hear your dependence on our glorious Lord and so much wonderful renewal happening g in yourselves, your marriage, your family, and your faith!
Blessings to all the Birklands.


Thank you for this! My husband and I are going through something similar. Not to the extreme of cancer, but I feel like we are pulling a lot of weeds out of our garden to make room for new seeds to be planted.
Keep relying on Him.

Amy Andersen

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